Smiles Lake lived in the small island community of Harbor Bay. Harbor Bay was an ideal place to vacation in, with small shops catering to the tourist trade. Fishing was the main occupation of those living on the island. Before Smiles retired he worked as a fisherman, a hard dangerous job. His wife Leslie worked and was still working in Sweet Sues shop, which sold home made candy. The sound of the lapping water and the cry of the seagull, Smiles did not want to leave behind. For many years they rented, but plotted and planned to build their own home on the island. They managed to save enough to start building that home. Smiles had obtained enough skill as a carpenter to do some of the work himself.
Leslie ran the Sweet Sues for Sue Elder. Sue would drop in now and then but Leslie was really in charge. It was one of the favorite places to visit There were three other employees who would make the candy. People could watch the candy being made from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Samples were given out.

It was just before closing time and there were three people still in the shop. One made Leslie feel uncomfortable. A gentleman , handsome, medium height, fair skin with a nice haircut, was wandering around ,but his eyes did not study any item. Leslie thought he was waiting for something. A young lady brought up her purchase and Leslie checked her out. An other customer checked out. Leslie used the store phone to call Smiles. She spoke in Finish to him hoping her last customer could not understand. Smiles did. As she turned back to the counter the gentleman had pulled out a gun and demanded the money from the till. Her suspicion proved to be true. Her hands shook as she placed the money into a bag. They did not have a security camera a fact he had probably check out. She knew her life was in danger because she had seen his face. His back to the door he was about to shoot her when the police came through the door. The message, suspicious customer get police, understood by Smiles. Small community police knew she was in trouble.
Sue was grateful for Leslie and Smiles action and she gave her boat as a reward, and took time to run the shop while Smiles and Leslie went for a boat trip.

Great story Betty. I love it. Thank goodness that Leslie knew another language...excellent and what a reward they got. That was awesome of Sue.
Very enjoyable story. Good deed rewarded, and what a nice reward! ;)
Saved by the Finnish! Hurrrrrray! That was quite a reward they got too!!! WOW!
That Leslie sure is a quick thinker and Smiles sure is good on the uptake. And Sue was so nice with her reward.
And Rabbit, Rabbit.
Rabbit, rabbit
Whew! I am so glad that Leslie knew how to contact Smiles, and that smiles believed her and called the police!
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