Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Merry Christmas
I have not been able to get on the Internet. Peter fixed it on Christmas when he came down.
We had a nice Christmas with more to come when Pat and the boys come tomorrow. Decorating was haphazard. Pennie thought that cleaning was more important than decorating. I got a tree up and one drawer of balls on it,and the star on top. I got a new fibre optics tree and John had a train that also glowed in different colors. I put them on top of the bookshelf. When Luke saw them, he suggested that I get them to move with music. His Grandfather would have loved that.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Church Service Cancelled

Today was the first time for me that I did not attend service, because there wasn't one held. It felt strange. Next week is the children's Christmas program and of course we were to practice. The choir was doing a special program, and the stewardship committee was hosting a tailgate party, and we were to watch the Packers after service. Pledges were to be made before the party. The blizzard made all this unsafe to hold. Pennie cancelled, the practice before the church service was cancelled. Next week all that was to happen this week will happen then, with the addition of the Christmas Program. Wrong. The choir's program will be held on Christmas Eve.
My snow shoveler broke his snow blower on what he said was a extension cord. There were no extension cords on the side walk or driveway. He is trying to fix it with parts so he will not have to but a new blower. Only part of the driveway got cleared. He thinks that Pennie may be able to get out. I know I can not get out.
As a Christian, I have a concern. We pack bags for the Sunday School children to get after the Christmas Program. I went looking for items to but in the bags. Small toys and candy. I could not find any with Christian symbols on them. It was Santa. Rudolph, or Frosty. Pennie ordered some from Oriental Trading, but have we replaced Jesus with Santa. Is Santa an Idol? I could not find any wrapping paper with a Christian design. I would like to keep Santa and his friends from the church, because he has taken over everything else. If the Children do not have the pastor, teachers, and congregation talking about Jesus, not Santa, how are they to learn about the real meaning of Christmas? Instead of reading about Jesus birth to the children Christmas Eve, It is The Night Before Christmas, on TV shows, and maybe in homes. Just something to think about.