Sandy Shore could not believe how fortune had gone her way. She landed the leading role . She was kissing the leading man Jeff Hurtz. The film was being filmed on Lone

Lake. A beauti

ful secluded lake in the mountains. The shot had to be taken several times, which Sandy was enjoying as she sat in the light blue convertible. Was that thunder she heard . She looked up into sky to see the dark thickening clouds. She thought nasty thoughts toward the heavens. She gave Jeff a questioning look. Would they have to stop the

filming? She knew they would because the scene did not call for rain or storm and the lighting would not be right. Sandy’s fortune had turned suddenly she thought. Jeff

gallantly escorted her out of the convertible.. They ran as the rain drops started to fall toward the main lodge, The filming crew joined them in the scramble for shelter. All were drenched by the time they entered . The noise from the excited voices was deafening . She looked at Jeff and was hoping that her disappointment was not showing. Jeff and Sandy walked toward the back of the room passing

around the beautiful but fake wedding cake. In the movie script, they were to be married but never had a honeymoon because some monster from the lake attacks them. They sat at a decorated table. Passing the time they talked about from where they came and general get to know more about you information. An announcement came that there would be no more shooting for the day. The crowd slowly cleared the room. The two continued in conversation. The next day they would be filming again and Sandy was glad for that but she was glad also for the time of not filming. The rain was not unfortunate , but she continued in her good fortune. She had a date.
You know... I never even knew you were writing about THAT Sandy Shore! Oh, I just LOVED her in that show she used to play on... you know the one about the widow woman with the 6 kids... they lived in that department store... that was a great show! Sounds like this is going to be a good movie too -- and I can't BELIEVE she's got a date with JEFF HURTZ!!! I wonder if the penguin is going to go along...
I'm reading Melli's comments and wondering if I missed something somewhere, lol..cute storyline, just goes to prove some girls will go to nearly any length to get a date lol!
That was a lovely little story. I liked the way that you used a film set. That was very original.
While the weather might not have smiled on her that day, fate certainly did. As an added bonus, they'll probably have to re-shoot the scene and she'll get to kiss the leading man again!
Very cute story!! I'm not sure who Sandy Shore is or the show she was on - I was reading Melli's comment - but I thoroughly enjoyed your story! What happens next?
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!
God bless you ~ Julie
What a cute story. And actors are always going on about how uncomfortable they are with those romantic scenes. What-Ever! LOL :)
Very enjoyable story. She got the leading man in the end! I'll be looking forward to next months offering.
Cute story.
Ah ha, every cloud has a silver lining! :)
Aw... I love when romance and good fortune come together. Go Sandy!
G'day from Australia, from a friend of Sandi and Jeff and Akelemalu and Maggie May.
Love the names of your characters!
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