Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun Monday

Today is Fun Monday and the idea is to start with a red nine and then doodle. This is my doodle.

Doodle Analyses

Done in center of page self centered.
eyes alluring, That would be nice.
Faces by adolescent girls seeking to produce an idealised self portrait. I am close to seventy maybe a second childhood I am seeking.
right to left logic
Comic faces usually drawn by men indicating a desire to be center of attention, There it is again I want to be the center of attention. But i am not a man.


Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love the doodle. The red line from the 9 looks like one of those braids that girls get at the ocean! Your doodle looks happy and content! Thanks for playing!

Rayne said...

This is such a sweet doodle.

Anonymous said...

What a peaceful face - very creative doodle. Happy Monday!

Melli said...

I saw your doodle up last night - and then it went away! And now it's back! Anyway... when I found it I decided to play too! So thank you for introducing me to this doodle bug!

I love what you SAW in that 9! That is so cool and I never would have thought of it! She is very content, isn't she...

B.R.L said...

that is so awsome!

Askew To You said...

I like this. It looks like you are peaceful and turning your face toward the sun. :D

NariceatL4 said...

I like looking at your doodle--it's very peaceful... for the seeking attention, doodle girl looks like she's received the attention already, and has uttered a demure thanks

Anonymous said...

I get a sense of calmness when looking at the pic. Don't know why - but I do.

BS said...

I like it ! Good job.

Unknown said...

She looks so innocent. :)

Faye said...

I'd frame this doodle. And, if it symbolizes your frame of mind, lucky you!

Ingrid said...

A doodled sleeping beauty, lol !

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

Very Nice Betty, you did a good job.

Blessings to you and Dr John.

Lori's Minute said...

I see someone who is pleasant...

Margaret said...

You did an excellent job!! Katie and I have been playing around with letters and making shapes and figures out of them to help her remember.

Like the letter F - I just square off the top and call it a flag. Flag starts with F. She is really learning quickly this way